This is BeefEater OEM Part Number 60557, which is a replacement Vaporizer Plate for the BeefEater Signature Series 2000 or 3000 grills. It replaces the old style vaporizer (BeefEater 60546).
Want to upgrade your older style vaporizers on the older grill? These are direct replacement upgrades. The anti-Flare technology works hand in hand with the Vaporizer Heat Reflector System to help reduce those annoying flare-ups while cooking. Less flare-ups means more control on the cooking surface and better flavor.
Authenic BeefEater Replacement Reduces Flare-Ups Even Cooking
BeefEater 60557 Anti-Flare Vaporizer Plate Signature Series
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Scott K. Verified Customer
quick shipping
MSRP pricing but good shop to buy from, quick shipping.
These upgraded vaporizers make the grill a lot hotter and improves the cooking quality of the meat you put on the grill due to the increased heat over the older ones. Mine were from an older Balcony series from the early 2000's. I highly recommend these as a true upgrade that makes a huge difference in the quality of cooking.
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