If you are looking for quick and easy shipping then you will be happy to know that here at AZ Grills we offer a real time shipping calculator for your convenience. All you have to do is add the items you would like to purchase into your online shopping cart and provide your zip code for quick and accurate shipping rates at check out. If the items that you are purchasing are marked "Free Shipping" then the shipping charges will be taken off at the end of your transaction. All orders over $99.00 is FREE shipping
If you are paying for shipping you will be happy to know that are affordable shipping rates based on the actual cost of shipping and are not over inflated. However, you should know that the shipping rates for apartment complexes and private residences are higher than when shipping to a business. If we are shipping your package by freight delivery then you want to be sure that the local delivery service is able to take the item off of the truck for you and into your home.
Check ahead with the local delivery company to ensure that they have the capabilities to unload the package for you. Some companies may do this free of charge, while others charge a fee for this service so make sure to make arrangements with the delivery company ahead of time so there are no problems at the time of delivery.
We offer shipping only in the US so rest assured that regardless of where you live you can purchase quality AZ grill products.
Defective Merchandise - If your item is defective (not damaged during shipping) and has a flaw or is not working properly contact us right away! You must contact us right away and let us know the nature of the defect so that we can determine whether the problem can be fixed without shipping the product back to us. If we deem that the product cannot be fixed on site then we will provide you with a goods authorization number which will authorize your return for 10 days. Once good s authorization number is provided, AZ grills will set up prepaid freight shipping for the product to be either replaced or repaired as deemed necessary by AZ staff. We will make a determination once the return freight is received to determine whether the product will be serviced or replaced. If we cannot replace the product, we will use a credit to you good for another purchase of the same cost.
Freight Procedures and Policies
Freight Receiving Procedure & Freight Damage Policy and Reporting Procedure As a AZ Grills / AZ Supply LLC customer, you are a receiving agent for AZ Grills / AZ Supply LLC. Your signature on a delivering carrierï¾’s freight receipt constitutes acceptance of the merchandise "as is" and in good order. If you do not inspect before signing you are, for all practical purposes, waiving "AZ Grills / AZ Supply LLC's" right to collect on a damage claim even if the damage is "concealed". *Remember, once you sign, the merchandise and the responsibility is yours!
Check immediately for possible damage during shipment. The National Claims Council Regulations specify that you must: 1. Inspect, examine and inventory your delivery, as it is unloaded. a. Any and all shortages and damages MUST be written on the Bill Of Lading or Freight Bill. Should you determine that any items are damaged or missing, you MUST note the item, the discrepancy, and the condition, on the receiver, BOL, or Freight Bill before you sign it! Then call 800-997-4177 or the buyer with whom you were working and report the problem. b. You should open cartons and containers. If there is the slightest doubt that the merchandise is damaged (concealed or not) it must be noted on the Bill Of Lading or Freight Bill or the liability to prove the damage was done by the delivering carrier. c. Do not be intimidated by the driver. They cannot leave until the Bill Of Lading or Freight Bill is signed (Regardless of how much in a hurry they are or how late they are).
2. Discovered Damage - if the box, crate, or merchandise is visibly damaged, refuse the delivery and request a Return Authorization number so the merchandise can be shipped back to its origin at no charge.
3. Concealed Damage - In the event of concealed damage, you MUST immediately document and photograph (if possible) the packaging and the damage. You must keep the packaging. Do not remove the item. Call 800-997-4177 or the buyer with whom you were working and report the damage. They will begin a concealed damage claim and ask for an inspection. The inspector will determine if the damage was possibly carrier caused. Remember you signed the document saying everything was OK. A report must be filed with the carrier within 15 days after delivery and a claim filed with the carrier. The sooner concealed damage is discovered and reported, the better.
Further measures that may help in the claim process include the following: 1. Taking digital photos of the damage. If possible, photographs of the equipment still on the truck will limit the buyer's liability. 2. Call 800-997-4177 or the buyer with whom you were working to report the damage and request they start a claim. Preferably, the call should be made before the driver leaves the site. 3. Request an inspector. 4. Keep a copy of the Bill Of Lading or Freight Bill noting the damage and the driver's signature
Many things can happen between the manufacturer and your loading dock. Therefore, we are asking you to do a very small amount of work to protect both of us. The Bill Of Lading or Freight Bill is our only documentation of the condition of a load when it arrives at your site. Without this proof, we cannot hold others accountable for items damaged or missing.
Thank you for your help and understanding AZ Grills / AZ Supply LLC Management